Burglary protection testing

8 april 2024 | 1 min.

burglary protection testing

PROCURAL PE96 doors have been classified as RC2 in accordance with the standard EN 1627. The PE96 system is the warmest door-window system offered by PROCURAL and features high technical parameters and unconventional solutions. The anti-burglary protection applies to single and double doors with glazing, panels and insulated non-transparent fillings. The system offers a wide range of hardware options, including solutions for emergency exits and air intake doors. The maximum door leaf height is 3000 mm. PROCURAL is systematically raising the standards of solutions in aluminium systems. It places emphasis on the most popular products, introducing many solutions as standard and keeping prices at the same level. One example are the recently implemented RC2 anti-burglary glazing beads with a new, simplified glazing selection in the PE78N door-window system.